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Custom Activity enables users to easily automate important Azure DevOps operations in their workflows like Projects, Teams, Work Items, Boards and Test Plan
This package includes the following activities:
1. Azure DevOps Scope - This activity creates a connection to the Azure DevOps organization. This activity involves Azure Active Directory credentials for authentication.
2. Project
Create Project - Creates a new project within the organization.
Delete Project - Deletes a project from the organization.
List Projects - Retrieves the list of projects within the organization.
3. Teams
Create Team - Creates a new team within Azure DevOps project
Delete Team - Delete a team within Azure DevOps project
Get Backlogs - Retrieves the backlogs from a Team within Azure DevOps project
Get Team - Retrieves the details of a Team within Azure DevOps project
Get Team Story Board - Retrieves the Team storyboard from an Azure DevOps project
4. Test Plan -
Create Test Plan - Creates a new test plan within Azure DevOps project
Delete Test Case - Deletes a test case from a Test suite within Azure DevOps project
5. Work Items -
Add Attachment - Adds an attachment to a work item within Azure DevOps project
Create Work Item - Creates a new work item within the Azure DevOps project
Delete Work Item - Deletes a work item within Azure DevOps project
Get Work Item - Retrieves the details of a work item within the Azure DevOps project
Update Assigned To - Updates 'Assigned To' value of a work item within Azure DevOps project
Update Work Item Description - Updates 'Description' value of a work item within the Azure DevOps project
Update Work Item Priority - Updates 'Priority' value of a work item within the Azure DevOps project
Update Work Item State - Updates 'State' value of a work item within the Azure DevOps project
Update Work Item Title - Updates 'Title' value of a work item within the Azure DevOps project
- This package extends the functional envelope of UiPath as it interacts with Azure DevOps Client libraries to perform the required operations. - Connects to Azure DevOps Organization. - Authenticates with Azure Active Directory Credentials. - Helps user to use exposed functions such as Projects, Teams, Work Items, Test Plan and Boards from UiPath.
Additional Information
Additional Information
Microsoft.TeamFoundationServer.Client [16.153.0] Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Client [16.153.0] Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.DistributedTask.Client [16.153.0] Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.InteractiveClient [16.153.0]
Code Language
Visual Basic
Windows Legacy (.Net Framework 4.6.1)
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May 14, 2020Works with
UiPath Studio 2019.10.4
Silver Certified
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