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Automate your work with Microsoft Azure

Spend less time working and more time living with Microsoft Azure. Pair it with your go-to apps for a highly efficient workflow—no coding skills necessary. Host and integrate your RPA artifacts with ease, leveraging the power of Microsoft Azure. Enable business departments to automate their work and streamline processes using robots. With seamless integration with other apps and the RPA ecosystem, citizen developers can easily automate tasks and achieve higher productivity.

Explore Studio Desktop listings

Tap into Studio's ecosystem for diverse activities, powering use cases from data extraction to IT automation, all within your desktop application.


Microsoft Facial Recognition

Detect, recognize, and analyze human faces

Microsoft Azure257

Document and Text Translator - TRAvis

Translate one or more Office documents, plain text HTML or PDF documents to another language, in one go!

Microsoft Azure124

Microsoft Azure Form Recognizer

A set of activities that enables the integration with Microsoft Azure Form Recognizer service

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Microsoft Azure Form Recognizer V2

A set of activities that enables the integration with Microsoft Azure Form Recognizer V2 service

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DevOps Azure Activities

The DevOps Azure UiPath Custom Activity package provides a core sets of operations to the Azure DevOps service's resources. It consist of 56 activities that are grouped in 10 Core components.

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Azure DevOps

Custom Activity enables users to easily automate important Azure DevOps operations in their workflows like Projects, Teams, Work Items, Boards and Test Plan

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Microsoft Azure

Official UiPath activities for Azure cloud resources provisioning, configuration and management: virtual machines, storage, networking, security.

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Microsoft Azure Active Directory

Official UiPath activities for Azure Active Directory, Microsoft's cloud identity & access management service - automate important operations on users, groups, lifecycle policies, directory roles.

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