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Automate your work with ease using Oracle Cloud

Spend less time working and more time living with Oracle Cloud. It is a hosting platform that enables citizen developers and business departments to automate their work using robots and RPA. With Oracle Cloud, you can easily integrate it with your go-to apps and the RPA ecosystem, creating a highly efficient workflow without the need for coding skills.

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Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC)

Now robots can use Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC)!

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Workflow for Oracle ERP Cloud

「請求書登録」および「請求書添付ファイル登録」の 2 つの機能をパッケージ化しました。本部品を呼び出し、簡単な設定をするだけで、Oracle ERP Cloud での請求書登録自動化を実現できます。

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Oracle - Integration Cloud Service

Oracle Integration Cloud is finalizing its work of a UiPath specific adapter that allows Oracle Integration Cloud service subscribers to connect to a UiPath Orchestrator

Oracle Cloud<100

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