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Automate Your Workflow with Microsoft Excel

Allow Microsoft Excel to revolutionize your workflow. Integrate with thousands of widely-used apps to automate your work and spend more time on important things, without needing to code. With Microsoft Excel's integration with the RPA ecosystem, citizen developers and business departments can easily automate their work using robots, enabling them to be more efficient and productive.

Explore Studio Desktop listings

Tap into Studio's ecosystem for diverse activities, powering use cases from data extraction to IT automation, all within your desktop application.


かんたん Excel アクティビティパック

既存の Excel 系アクティビティになくて UiPath Studio 開発で苦労した機能を補完するパッケージ

Microsoft Excel1495

Excel - Advance Excel

This activity allows you to automate excel files and provide some interesting feature i.e. -Hide / Show / Delete worksheet, Change font color / size / style / Bold, Column Autofit, Last Row / Column.

Microsoft Excel1019

Excel Extension Activities

This Activity library allows easy integration with Excel. The Activities will mimic human actions. It also works with large excel files.


Compare Datatables

This activity compares two input DataTables and outputs three new DataTables


Feat Systems - PDF to Excel

Extract only tabular data and text data from PDF to Excel


Read Extra Large SpreadSheets

An activity pack used to read and process extra large excel files.

Microsoft Excel361

Excel to PDF Conversion

Converts an Excel file to a PDF file by specifying the worksheet name. If the Worksheet name is not specified the whole Workbook is converted to PDF


Data Manipulations

Advanced Excel functions to manipulate data are quite hard to implement. This component includes activities that can be used to perform such advanced data manipulations without the need of Excel


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