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Automate tasks effortlessly with ABBYY

Streamline your work using ABBYY. Seamlessly connect with popular apps to automate tasks and free up your time without any coding required. ABBYY is designed to empower citizen developers and enable business departments to automate their work effortlessly. With the usage of robots and integration with the RPA ecosystem, ABBYY simplifies the automation process and enhances productivity.

Explore Studio Desktop listings

Tap into Studio's ecosystem for diverse activities, powering use cases from data extraction to IT automation, all within your desktop application.


Imaginea ABBYY FlexiCapture Data Mapper

Maps the Key Value Pair data from ABBYY FlexiCapture (Distributed Version) into an IEnumerable


Abbyy Queue Item

Retrieves content from an item in Abbyy Queue. The queue item is what Abbyy FlexiCapture server has exported as a result of document processing.


Test runtime pkg

Test runtime pkg


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Test Engament Title

A short phrase that summarizes your listing in 200 characters or less


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かんたん見積発注 - ABBYY® × SAP®

見積書ファイルをAI-OCR(ABBYY® FlexiCapture®)で読取り、SAP® のBAPIを用いて購買発注伝票登録するためのインプットファイルを作成します


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